Saturday, June 23, 2012

After sterilized - 1st Day

Dana haven't eat from before the surgery till yesterday night. More than 24hrs already! But vet says must make her eat.. and also there's med to eat. So i've got no choice but to cook some porridge and force feed her >.<  But, she's real smart too! Cuz i kept forcing her mouth open to pour a little porridge eat bit by bit, she keep forcing her mouth close. Till a point of time, she just lie down there with 4 legs facing up!! But it's ok, i can take the chance to clean the area.. =D

She started eating herself when I told her "gai gai" in de afternoon. Fed her a treat to try and to my surprise, SHE ATE!! so i tried feeding her more and SHE ATE TOO!! Hahahaha! I was happy like mad!! Faster went down to NTUC and buy more fresh food to cook for her. Wheeee~ As of night time, she's already eating her food. Not full appetite but enough i suppose. Ate all kinds of pork today.. Pork liver, pork belly, minced pork. Also cooked potato, carrot and cabbage for her. Hehehe =D Hope tml she will eat more ^^