Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dana went to the vet to have her nail remove le.. Poor dana.. The vet asked if i want to stay in the room n see ? but i choose not to.. *xin tong* Then when they open de door, saw dana lying on the table.. slowly regaining conscious.. and this her thumb ~ Dana so notti, after sedation and feeling weak but saw other dogs still able to bark so fiercely.. The vet say she's still able to wag her tail after they sedate her.. LOL ! Dana cute la ~ xD
This ish her nail hahah ! i took back from the vet for memory purpose xD..

Dana got to wear this plastic collar around her neck for few days le.. To prevent her from licking her wound n cause infection.. She's still not getting use to it.. She dun dare to walk, sit oso sit very properly.. Dun dare to eat n drink too.. AND SHE HAVE NOT PEE FOR THE WHOLE DAY !!

This is how dana's sleeping now with the "cone".. i give her my pillow so she can slp comfortably..